Fortunately, that’s where one of my favorite products steps in. Allow me to introduce TOMS Shoes, a company with a real heart. Not only do they produce incredibly comfortable, stylish shoes, but they are helping to really change the world for the better. For each pair of TOMS sold, a pair will be donated to a child in need. TOMS goes on shoe drops to places in need, such as Argentina and South Africa. Over 60,000 pairs of shoes have been donated to children since 2006, and they are currently working towards a goal of donating 30,000 on their next drop.

They come in a wide variety of colors and fabrics, are suitable for men, women, and children, and are reasonably-priced considering you are really purchasing two pairs. So how about, for those ultra-trendy folks with good hearts on your list, you treat them to a great set of shoes and a little world-changing this year? And go ahead, treat yourself too – you know you deserve it.
To purchase a pair of TOMS, please visit www.tomsshoes.com
Article by Caroline Sumner.
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